Tin whiskers don’t occur very often, but worries about how to avoid them pop up quite often. IPC is teaming up with the Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering (CALCE) at the University of Maryland to create a symposium that will help design and manufacturing teams stem the growth of tin whiskers or curtail the impact of those that do occur.
Both IPC and CALCE have held their own seminars on tin whiskers in the past. A joint offering will take place November 12–13, 2013, in Costa Mesa, Calif. The symposium is being sponsored by Lockheed Martin, a company that’s done a great deal of research in this field.
The technical program committee has issued a call for papers for the 7th International Symposium on Tin Whiskers. Those interested in presenting have until July 1 to submit an abstract of 250 to 300 words summarizing technical work that has not been previously published. Submit with a bio to Dr. Michael Osterman, CALCE operations director, at Osterman@eng.umd.edu.
Filed under: Boards, Design, electronics, IPC Tagged: abstract, CALCE, Call for Papers, symposium, tin whiskers