We’ve been in a period called the post-PC era for several years, yet there’s still an ongoing transition to new devices. Smart phones, Tablets and Netbooks are seeing spectacular growth while sales of PCs have remained solid, roughly matching 2009 sales even after a recent free fall in shipments.
Understanding how this transition will play out may be a critical strategic factor for many EMS companies and some board fabricators over the next few years. Shifting away from PCs means greater reliance on the Cloud, which uses high-reliability boards, storage systems and communications modules. At the same time, high-volume products like tablets and phones will drive many advances like package on package technology.
This combination of business and technical concerns will be addressed at a conference and exhibition focused on the totality of system designs. The fact that technology decisions depend on business concerns, as well as manufacturing concerns, is the driving force for the creators of IPC Electronic System Technologies Conference and Exhibition (IPC ESTC), to be held May 20–23 at the New Tropicana Hotel in Las Vegas.
Keynoters from Intel, Lenovo and Microsoft will address many facets of the consumer world such as the emergence of all-in-one PCs, reliability and ruggedness requirements for very small portables and the need to design for everything.
Deeper technology dives will also be provided by keynoters from Medtronic, Amkor Technology, STATS ChipPac, Cadence Design Systems and Multitest Elektronische Systeme GmbH. Speakers from these diverse companies will give attendees plenty of insight into the latest techniques for shrinking designs, improving reliability and making other changes that keep product designs at the forefront of ever-changing markets.
Filed under: Boards, Design, electronics, IPC, Trade Show Tagged: board fabricators, EMS companies, IPC Electronic System Technologies Conference and Exhibition, IPC ESTC, PC, product design